Guidelines for Determining Your Constitution
This quiz can be used in two ways:
- to determine your constitution (Prakruti) from the Ayurvedic standpoint
- to determine the doshas (body-mind types) involved with any current conditions (Vikruti)
To determine your constitution (Prakruti), fill the quiz out from the standpoint of what is most true for you over the course of your adulthood.
To determine your current constitution (Vikruti), fill out the quiz from the standpoint of what is going on for you at this current time.
For each category, check the box for the trait that most accurately applies to you. If more than one trait applies, check both (or all three) boxes.
At the end of taking the quiz, tally up the number of checks for each of the doshas. You will now have a relative proportion of the distribution of the three doshas within you. This is analogous to your DNA genetics. We recommend scheduling a consultation with a well-trained Ayurvedic practitioner to better understand your Ayurvedic constitution and to create a set of personalized self-care practices. You may schedule your appointment here.
Note: This quiz is for educational purposes only.